Monday, November 2, 2015

Dear Prince Jackson,

Today your world will change. In fact, all of our worlds are going to change. However, I worry most about you, my sweet Prince Jackson.

You have lived in a kingdom where you rule. The first born son. The only child. Our little everything.

Over the past two years, we have watched grow from a determined little preemie into an amazing toddler. Keeping us on our toes seems to be your goal. You do things in your own time, but when you are ready it is nothing short of incredible what you are capable of.

These past few months have been both the most challenging and most fantastic times with you. Every day you do something or say something new that never fails to surprise us. You are rapidly turning into a little boy, and I wonder every day where the time has gone.

Everything changes today. Despite the fact you have been hugging, kissing, and petting your baby brother in my belly, I know that you are still too young and the idea is too abstract for you to really understand what is about to happen.

Having another baby is exciting and daunting at the same time. Our lives are about to get harder and more fulfilling at the same time, but I know we can handle it and will be a better family for it.

The only thing I worry about, Prince Jackson, is you.

How are you going to handle Mommy and Daddy being in the hospital? Are you going to feel abandoned and sad? Will you be scared when you see Mommy hooked up to machines tonight? Is the new baby going to be exciting for you or a source of resentment and jealousy? Are you going to understand what is happening? Will you be willing to share Mommy and Daddy?

My hope, Prince Jackson, is that you quickly accept your brother into your kingdom. What you may not realize is that we not only have created a new life, we have created your best friend. You can rule our world together.

I love you to the moon and back, sweet Prince.


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