Sunday, November 16, 2014


Dakota was a naughty dog.

Don't get me wrong. He was a sweet boy.

Dakota was naughty in an endearing, lovable way. His mischievous personality made him interesting. When most people think of golden retrievers, they picture a sweet, loyal, family dog. Dakota was all of those things. However, he had a side to him that separated him from the pack. His naughty ways made me love him even more.

Naughty Dakota moments (in no particular order)

  • Walking himself by grabbing his leash in his mouth
  • Perusing the junkyard across the street from our house on Roosevelt
  • Nosing around in the uncovered compost pile on Roosevelt
  • Chasing the mama doe and her Bambies on Roosevelt (likely due to encouragement from Colin)
  • Chewing holes in the carpet in my apartment, the rental house on Hill street, and our rental house on Roosevelt
  • Chewing the walls in my apartment 
  • The moments when he had a choice: come back in the house OR carouse around the neighborhood - he almost always got a twinkle in his eyes and chose to carouse
  • *Having to register as a sex offender for defiling his Aunt Sophie in the back of the Tundra at a Safeway in Tahoe - so embarrassing when he had to knock on doors and inform all of the neighbors of his presence when we moved to a new house
  • Knocking over small children in the park - he never understood how big he was
  • Choosing to exit river right in the Old Mill to troll for hamburgers at Red Robin while we were floating the river - thank goodness for the nice pedestrians who guided him back into the water
*This is an inside/family joke-I don't expect anyone who does not know this story to understand, but I had to include it.

I am sure the list could go on. I did not even give Colin a chance to weigh in with his favorite moments. He wasn't Marley & Me naughty, but you get the point.

He sure was handsome. Perhaps that is why he got away with so much......

We lost Dakota on Thursday, October 16th. He was just over nine years old, too young to go. He had been a little "off" for a few days. We noticed he was not eating much, but he was an older dog and certainly seemed to go through little phases when he may not be feeling so great. However, we had no idea he was really sick. After about three days of not eating and some behavior ups and downs, Colin noticed something was really wrong one evening before he came upstairs to bed. Dakota was sitting next to him while he was in the recliner and he had his head cocked to the side with a strange look on his face. He could not seem to shake it, but Colin eventually got him to his bed and came upstairs. Hoping to not get me worried, he did not say anything about it. I had been at school for 12 hours due to conferences and had another 12 hour day on the horizon, so he spared me any reason to lose sleep.

The next day I got an IM from Colin asking me to call him. Dakota had collapsed in the backyard and wasn't doing so well. At first I advised Colin to call the vet and keep me updated. The more I thought about the story from the night before and the gravity of him actually collapsing and losing his bowels on himself, I started to realize this was not going to end well. I knew I could not sit at school waiting to hear what was going on, so I asked Colin to head to the vet despite the fact they were not open yet. I left school to meet him and my dad there.

I could tell immediately by the look on my dad's face the minute I walked in to the waiting room that it was bad. My parents have never recovered from the loss of our family golden, Cody, and that happened over ten years ago. They were reliving the experience because they were staying with us at our house while all of this was happening.

A few minutes later, Colin and I were able to meet with the vet, who was there to perform surgery but stopped what she was doing to take care of our emergency. She informed us that Dakota was bleeding pretty heavily internally, likely due to a mass in his abdomen that had ruptured. Even though I saw the writing on the wall as I was driving to the vet, I broke down sobbing. My poor baby was sick and I had no idea. How long had he been in pain? Were there obvious signs telling me something was seriously wrong that I had missed? Our lives were turned upside down for the past 14 months with the premature arrival of Jackson and being first time parents. I knew our dogs had taken a back seat, but I always thought they would have their glory days of being our pampered fur babies again soon. Unfortunately, it was too late. He was treated like a dog for the first time in his life for the past year, and it was too late to make it up to him.

Dakota was on heavy pain meds when they brought him in on a stretcher. He was smiling and wagging his tail. Our naughty dog had no idea this was his time. It was excruciating, but I stayed with him until his last breath. When he was gone, I stayed a little longer and told him everything I would have done with him if we had more time together.

I was wracked with remorse, guilt, and disbelief. I tried to go back to school and continue with conferences. Bad idea. By mid-day I put a sign on my door apologizing to the families I would miss and left. I wasn't doing anyone any good crying my way through the day. It was awkward, and having to explain myself each time my students and their families walked in on me crying was making things worse.

In a way, it was a blessing that we did not know he was sick. He did not suffer much, and we did not have to watch him slowly die. Either way, we lost a member of our family. People who love their dogs as if they were children understand the gaping hole left in your heart when they pass. A friend told me that nothing would ever fill that hole, but there is room for more love in my heart. She was right.

RIP Dakota.
We love you very much.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

I Ate Poop

I'll set the scene:
Jackson is bundled in his full-body snowsuit and boots. Colin and I are shoveling the driveway. Jackson relocates to the mat in front of the door. We naively presume he has found a warm, dry spot to relax and watch us work.


Colin notices one of Jackson's gloves has come off. Typical, the puppy is constantly undressing our baby. 

"Honey, the baby is eating poop."


I guess Jackson found some frozen treats in the snow and decided to go for it while we were busy assuming he was being a good boy.

Here is some advice from a rookie mom if you ever find yourself in this situation.

What To Do When Your Baby Eats Poop
  1. Determine the specific type of feces. In this case, it was puppy poop left in the snow for Jackson to enjoy. If you are dealing with dog or baby poop, proceed to step 2. If you are unsure of the poop origin, call your pediatrician or poison control immediately.
  2. Run a warm bath. Baby needs to be cleaned immediately! You may be thinking, "the poop is already inside", but you need to remove the residuals from the hands, mouth, and any other parts before the situation continues downhill. 
  3. Remove clothes. Consider burning them.
  4. Remove any poop from baby exterior before immersing in tub. In this case, the poop started out frozen so we did not have a big mess. 
  5. Apply soap liberally. I included the mouth, both interior and exterior. Hey, I use all-natural soap, so don't judge. I figure people have been washing kid's mouths out with soap for hundreds of years for using bad words; this is just a different type of potty mouth.
  6. Google "My baby ate poop". You will be surprised how this pops up immediately and how many websites offer both advice and comfort. You are not alone.
  7. Feed your baby. Clearly whatever you were doing at the time of the incident was not more important than your baby's hunger. 
  8. Watch for diarrhea, low-grade fever, and any other intestinal issues. These are all normal. Consider calling pediatrician during regular office hours. Again, this is not an emergency.
  9. Participate in online baby shaming to document incident. Save story for baby's rehearsal dinner one day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dear 13 Month Old Jackson,

I thought we would've had this figured out by now.


It is really quite simple. When I lay you in your crib after your soothing bottle of warm milk (you are pushing boundaries with that one, by the way), I don't want to see you for at least 10 hours. Don't get me wrong, I miss you very much. However, Mommy and Daddy need sleep. Consequently, so do you.

Trust me, I think about you all night. In fact, I wake up a few times almost every night thinking I hear you, but when I look on the monitor you are sound asleep. Seriously, you have spent so much time screaming in the middle of the night your voice has invaded my sleep.

Here's the deal, after soliciting advice from fellow mommies and daddies, we have made a tough decision. From the hours of approximately 8 p.m. - 5 a.m. you are on your own. Mommy will no longer make an appearance when you scream in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. It's not that we don't love you very much. It is quite the opposite. We love you so much we have to let you learn how to self-soothe so you can get the rest you so desperately need.

Just to be clear, here are some photos to illustrate our expectations:



Creepy, but you are quietly trying to fall asleep, so okay.

Not so comfortable, but you are asleep so, okay.


Okay, here you are clearly denying a nap. So, no!

Get it?

While we are on the subject of making requests, we should also talk about your attitude in the evening. I understand you have had a long day of playing, babbling, learning to walk, eating, and overall babying, but do you really have to be such a pill about getting ready for bed? Personally, if someone drew me a warm lavender water bath followed by a Cetaphil massage, I would consider it a spa experience. I am not sure why you must scream while we put on your jammies, but it feels a little ungrateful. Just saying.

On a positive note, you are super-cute and an overall amazing little person. Your smile lights up a room and your laughter literally melts hearts. You are such a little ham in public and people seem to fall in love with you instantly. Mommy and Daddy are absolutely smitten with you even when you are being a little toot. I know I should not tell you this, but you really can do no wrong. Our love for you trumps any bad behavior you can throw our way. Still, try and keep it down when it is sleepytime.

Thanks buddy!


P.S. I understand you will point out the irony regarding the sleep request in this when I write your "Dear 13 Year Old Jackson," letter.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome to one!

Needless to say, the cake smash was a success! This face says it all.

Jackson turned one on Tuesday, August 6th. I decided to celebrate by taking him to the pool and then for his one year well baby check up. I can report that half of my idea was good; I am sure you can guess which half. The one year vaccinations (pneumonia, MMR, and chicken pox) did a number on him for a few days. Throw in a transition from easy to digest formula to whole milk and eating table food, this kid had a lot going on.

We celebrated his first birthday on Saturday, August 9th. It was intended to be a "baby rager"so we provided fun for adults and children. It was a lovely party in MayMay & Grandy's backyard and there was a great turn out considering it was on a weekend in August (Bendites tend to make the most of summer weekends and go camping). 

Jackson was tired and "off" for his party, but he put on a good show. We are fortunate that he loves people, especially other kids, so he handled it pretty well. It seemed like everyone had fun and the slip & slide was a hit once Colin demonstrated proper technique for the kids. We put a lot of time, effort, and money into the shindig, so it was nice to see it all come together so well. We continue to feel so blessed to have so many people in our lives that love and support our family.

Once the party was over and cleaned up, it was time for me to enjoy the last few days of summer before work starts again. It really started to sink in that Jackson is not our baby anymore. He is a toddler now and it is starting to show. Eating table foods is a new milestone that he has mastered. In fact, he is so good he can even eat part of a pine needle without choking. Go Jackson! He loves his whole milk (pretty sure he got that from me; I may sneak some from his stash sometimes) and is starting to understand how to use his sippy cup.

The biggest milestone is still slightly out of reach. Jackson still cannot walk on his own. He has been crawling very efficiently for months now. We spend a lot of time making sure he is not "out of bounds". He can climb the entire staircase by himself (with a supervisor there to catch him, of course) and this is just one of the many hazardous zones in our house we have to block off and monitor. He loves to "cruise" around using furniture and just about anything else he can hang on to, so he is very close to walking. However, the first steps have not happened just yet. 

People have told me to push him down when he tries to walk to prolong the event. First of all, that is mean. Second, why would I not want him to walk? Frankly, I think it is time he starts getting around on his own. He weighs over twenty pounds and it is starting to take a toll on my body. I had a massage last week (and it was glorious), but the pain I endured as this poor woman tried to work out the tightness in my back, neck, and shoulders was unbelievable. Remind me again why it would be a bad thing if Jackson could walk out to the car on his own. I think that sounds great.

You can do it buddy!

My naive expectation has been that Jackson would finally sleep through the night by the time he is one. Honestly, the fact he has not been consistently sleeping through the night is all my fault. I was told by his pediatrician in May that if it is easier to get up and nurse him back to sleep if he is waking up in the middle of the night that I was not going to do any permanent "sleep damage". My thought was to continue this process while I was working so I could maximize my sleep and I would deal with sleep training (aka: crying it out) in the summer when I had more time to nap. Either way, this never happened and I have been waking up with him all summer. 

Okay, so Jackson is one. Not only does he still wake up at night, it is harder to put him back down AND he is all the sudden having a hard time going down for naps. I can tell he is so tired, but he fights sleep for as long as he can. This means I spend up to four hours per day (those are the really bad days) just trying to get him down for his two naps. It is pretty hard to feel as if I have accomplished anything when that much time is spent trying to help him get the sleep he so desperately needs.

Fortunately, my friend mentioned the other day that she is experiencing the same thing with her 18 month old son and that she forgot from her experience with her older child that this happens several times before two years old. What Jackson has been experiencing is sleep regression, again. Upon further research, sleep regression usually happens just before a major milestone. We are at the classic one year sleep regression stage, just before the walking milestone. According to several websites and sleep "experts", the brain is so busy trying to figure out how to walk, which is a major progression, something else has to regress, and sleep is the most common victim.

Perhaps the most disturbing information I came across was that this can go on anywhere from two to six weeks. 

Six weeks? 

The good news is we are about a week in. Let's just hope we fit in to the two week scenario. Mama needs her patience for the middle schoolers that will be in her classroom in just two short weeks.

It is not my intention to portray Jackson as a total nightmare toddler. We certainly are not there yet. From what I hear, age three is when I will start those posts. Actually, other than the misery of trying to get him to sleep, he is at his best ever right now. He is such a charmer and flirt in public. People are so delighted by him because he smiles, laughs, waves, and claps anytime he is given attention. I am so proud of his wonderful personality. To avoid tainting his public image, I will spare you the details of what happens in his nursery before naps and bedtime.........

I just forgot how to go to sleep, mama.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Pardon me, Father Time.....

You are freaking me out!

First of all, Jackson turns one in just six days. What? How is that even possible?

Second, my summer feels like it is almost over. Seriously, I was just wrapping things up in my classroom and now it is almost time to go back.

I need a reprieve. Just this once.

Perhaps reprieve is a little dramatic. I have not been sentenced to death. However, the thought of leaving Jackson every day again is getting a little too real. How about a postponement? A month would do, I suppose.

To be honest, I am usually getting pretty excited about the prospect of starting a fresh, new school year at this point in the year (August 1st). I know, I know, I am supposed to squeeze every second out of the summer I earn each year. Those darn kids creep back into my brain and I miss them! Running into them every time I go out in public does not help the situation. Note to self: Red Robin, although welcoming to Jackson's vocal volume and mess, is a guaranteed location to run into students.

Work is creeping up on me. In just over two weeks my calendar is clogged with trainings and in-services. I have a student teacher, iPad, and Adopt-a-Farmer program all encroaching on my last week of freedom. I am down to one day off during my last week of summer. To be clear, I have taken on these new adventures willingly with the exception of the iPad, which is not exactly my choice, however a useful addition to my classroom. At this point I am just wondering if I really thought everything through!

Although I have whittled down my list of summer projects, I still have several things I want to accomplish before the whirlwind of school starts again. Time to get motivated, and time for Jackson to take some long naps so I can be super-productive!

First things first, Jackson has a pretty big birthday coming up. I mean, it is really a celebration that Colin and I have managed to keep him alive, safe, and healthy for a whole year. Yay us! Despite the fact that Jackson won't really understand what is going on, I plan on an epic party to commemorate his first year. Perhaps I should get to work planning considering I have one week. Guess I better quit rambling and get on Pintrest.........

Who wouldn't want to celebrate this little man?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Full Circle

Nearly a year ago, Colin and I decided to move forward with our plan to go to the Michael Franti concert despite the fact our world had been turned upside-down by the premature arrival of Jackson. I had been out of the hospital for only one day after enduring six days of bed rest, an emergency C-section, and four days of recovery, but I was determined to do something "normal". Plus, we always love Franti shows; he brings such positivity and light to our town with his uplifting music. It really is a special show.

Needless to say, it was an emotional night for us. For starters, I was in a lot of pain (having been cut in half to deliver baby Jackson) and had forgot my pain medication at the Ronald McDonald house, which was pretty out of the way on our way to the show. Even worse, it felt so unnatural to know that Jackson was not with me anymore; he was all alone in the NICU and it was very difficult to not feel guilty to be out and about without him.  After all, he should've been at the show in utero. For some reason, it seemed like every pregnant woman and families with a new baby in Bend were at the show. We were surrounded with what we should've had.

We were so glad we went to show despite the difficulties we faced. It was such an uplifting experience to be out with our friends and listen to such wonderful music. Sure, we cried a little and I felt like hell, but we made the very best of it. It was nice to be somewhat "normal" for a few hours after the ordeal we had faced and it gave us some gas to continue to be strong for our little boy.

Last year I highlighted "The Sound of Sunshine" as the song that meant the most to us. It was so positive and uplifting; it really meant a lot to us.

A sweet, teary moment.

This year, we got to take our amazing little miracle with us. It was Jackson's first concert. We wanted to be responsible parents so we ordered him some Baby Banz, the little earphones that protect young ears at loud events. However, our little stinker would not wear them long enough for us to even snap a photo. We settled for his hat with the ear flaps. Warmth and ear protection (?)!

It was an amazing show. We got to hear all of our favorite fun and uplifting Franti songs, but this time we had Jackson with us. All was right in the world. We had come full circle. There we were, celebrating a beautiful summer evening in Bend with our friends and our little family.

This year, the song that meant most to us was "Life Is Better With You". I think the reasoning is pretty obvious, but here is the video in case you are not familiar. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

My Favorite Age

People are so generous with their enthusiasm, anecdotes, and advice when it comes to parenting. From my understanding, some people find this irritating. Personally, I appreciate all the information that I can get. Now that I am a parent I understand why people are so excited to talk about parenting. Our children consume all of our spare time and commandeer our lives. This may sound extreme, but it is so true. Now that school is out, I plan every day according to the needs of Jackson. For example, last weekend was super-busy. My plan for Monday was to ensure Jackson had two solid naps in his crib. If that mean we stayed home all day to make that happen, so be it. Fortunately, he seemed up for a few errands so we managed to get out of the house.

To clarify, I am not complaining. This is by far the best job in the world. I am not saying I could quit working and be a stay at home mom, but I sure do appreciate that my job allows me long breaks to play this role a few times a year.  Yay summer!

Since I have become a mom, strangers I encounter have been so friendly. It reminds me of when I was pregnant with a broken leg. I am not one for attention, but it is nice when it is positive, supportive attention. Apparently, I have joined an exclusive club and you must procreate to be part of it. It is so much fun doing everyday things now, because I have my fun little buddy with me. I find myself having conversations with complete strangers everywhere I go. I admit it, the proud mommy feelings that well up inside of me when strangers ogle Jackson are downright addictive.

"I know, he has so much personality!"

"Yup, two teeth already!"

 "He desires anything that is not a designated toy, so can we keep this menu?"

"He is 10 and a half months."

The most common piece of information people share is their favorite age. Most people that have shared this information agree that 10 months was their favorite age. I finally get why!

This little person changes every day. Every day it is a new sound, new skill, new game, new fascination, or a new face. One day, he starts waving. The next he is obsessed with making motorboat sounds. He is such a joy and so full of surprises, I am excited to wake up every day and see what he is going to do next. When I watch him run around in his walker, I swear I am as excited as he is. It is so much fun experiencing life through his eyes.

Jackson has been pretty mobile in his own way for a while. He has been able to get where he wants to go, just not in the conventional way. For a while it was the army crawl that ended in a stretched out reach for the object he desired. Once he figured out how to push up on his bootie from his tummy, he started to roll where he wanted to go and sit up when he reached his destination. Lately, he has been pulling up on everything and getting really strong standing on his own. He has mastered pulling up on his stand and play table, which he loves, so his legs are pretty steady at this point. I have suspected that he may skip crawling completely and go straight to walking considering he can get pretty far on his feet if he has some fingers to cling to.

Then the fateful evening came. Colin had been gone quite a bit due to a work trip and some golf tournaments. He came home one evening and decided he was going to see Jackson crawl for the first time, and he did! Armed with my phone set on video and his phone as the bait, we watched and waited. Jackson crawled for the first time and it was caught on video. Hooray!

At this point, it is hard to say what age is my favorite. By four months in to this adventure (the age when babies tend to "wake up" and start to have some personality) it seemed like every age was my favorite. Now that Jackson is on the brink of eleven months, I can say that his tenth month was a pretty spectacular month. We'll see if I look back and agree with all those generous people. Perhaps I will become a ten month advocate myself one day! For now, I am going to enjoy every day with my fun, smiley, surprising, and increasingly mischievous little buddy.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summer, summer, summertime......

time to sit back and unwind.

Here it is the groove slightly transformed.
Just a bit of a break from the norm.

Okay, enough of that.

No more excuses for not keeping up with my blog. It is summertime! Time to start documenting life for Jackson. I have decided to include more than just my sappy obsession with Jackson, which has become surprisingly more intense, and talk about life in general. For example, teaching is such an entertaining profession. I have to wonder why I have not talked much about it. Oh wait, I did not find the time to blog while I was teaching. My non-existent spare time was spent trying to keep all the balls I was juggling in the air. Notice the radio silence after March? The fact track season had started is not a coincidence.

There have been multiple entertaining experiences and milestones met in the past couple of months, but it was such a blur I can't recall it all. Looking back at photos posted on Facebook helps, but fortunately I found an even better way to remember what was going on in my busy, exhausted brain during this apparent black hole of time.

Incomplete and/or unpublished blog posts.

You see, I had good intentions. Unfortunately, I never found the time to go back and edit these posts so I could publish them. That's right, raw entries.

Here is a brief synopsis of what was going through my head for the past few months:

Blog Title

"A New Kind of Empathy"
There have been a number of young people I know who have battled/are battling cancer, all parents. This was a serious post that I held on to for a few reasons. The gist: I have a new kind of empathy for someone who is facing the idea of not being around to raise their child/children. Heart wrenching thoughts were going through my head. Not a fun one. I will continue to hang on to this. 

"The Big Question"
This is the entry where I address the "Big Question: Are we going to get Jackson baptized?" There is an explicit content warning because I (gasp) address my personal beliefs about organized religion and spirituality. Actually, this is a pretty good post, perhaps I will circle back and complete it.....

"Your All Grown Up Kid"
Jackson started rapidly meeting many milestones over the past few months. I intended to document these joyful experiences..

"Dear Parent/Guardian,"
Clearly, I needed to talk a little about school.  The end of the year rocket project is an all-consuming, months long process.  Fortunately, I am only responsible for rockets + track every other year. There were some amusing stories from both rockets and track, along with some frustrating stories. Considering I was running on very little sleep at that time, I would not anticipate my recollection of those incidents beyond what was already written.

"Confessions of a Middle School Track Coach"
Spawned from a string of ridiculous incidents, this would have been a good one, but perhaps could have come across a little harsh considering my exasperation at the time. I am confident the term "time suck" would have been used an extraordinary number of times.

"That Was My Favorite Age"
This was a recent post addressing the fact that many people have told me that 10 months was their favorite age when raising their kid. There are so many other fun ages to look forward to, but I wanted to take a moment to stop and remember just how much fun Jackson was at that point in time.  He is still super-fun, so I will likely still share this information.

"Sorry Doc, we choked."
Apparently, I should have been more aggressive and Jackson should've been eating steak by 10 months. This blog was dedicated to the complete lack of warning and nonchalance that people display as they act like they know exactly what I am talking about when I share that solid food causes Jackson to choke. Right, choke. Really, no warning?

Anyway, it is summer. The time of the year I look forward to the most. As much as I miss teaching, I love a little freedom. Time to kick back and unwind. 


Sunday, March 16, 2014

You're My Obsession

I thought I was overwhelmed with love when Jackson was born.  I thought I knew what earth-shattering affection was during the months I spent home with him.  Now that I am back to work the feelings of infatuation for him are even stronger.  When is it going to level off?  I am going to eventually be so obsessed with him I can't even function.  This is crazy!

Now that Jackson is seven months old, his personality shines through more and more each day.  This kid has a lot to say.  Of course, it is baby gibberish, but I still feel like we are communicating.  He finally responds to me when I talk to him!  He laughs and smiles so much it is contagious.  How do you not respond to his huge grin with a giant smile and silly faces?  Who doesn't love a baby laugh?

I have been back at "work" for 12 weeks now.  I put "work" in quotations because I love my job and it certainly doesn't feel like work most of the time.  Sure, I am in a fog by the time I get home.  I can plan a heck of a school day and keep my kids learning and engaged, but don't ask me what is for dinner.  By 4 p.m. I am pretty done; all I want to do is feed and play with Jackson.  Fortunately, I have an amazing husband who picks up the slack daily.  Let's face it, he is the cook of the family.  Our dinners are better when he handles the cooking.  If I can just get myself to the store and provide some staples and protein, he can provide a wonderful meal.  Every once in a while I surprise him with dinner on the stove when he gets home, but those times have been few and far between.  I can infer that single moms eat a lot of cereal for dinner.

It would be dishonest if I did not say I have moments when I wonder if I could be a stay at home mom.  I love Jackson so much I think I would be able to sacrifice my career for a few years to watch him grow.  On the other hand, I think I am a better mom now that I am back to work.  As a teacher, "work" is a big part of who I am as a person.  I care so much about my students and enjoy being at school so much.  Recently I received an email from a former student.  She was so grateful that I prepared her for high school science and bragged that all my former students looked so smart compared to their peers.  Apparently, her high school science teacher has said on multiple occasions that they must have had a really good middle school science teacher.  I mean, WINNING!!!!!!  That is the best thing I could ever hear.  This is one of the reasons I can leave by baby boy every morning.  What I am going to do all day has great value.

Another reason I can leave Jackson is knowing that he is in such good hands every day.  Four out of five days a week he is with our neighbor, who is so wonderful and takes such good care of Jackson.  Her children and the other kids who are there love Jackson (he is the baby) so much, and Jackson loves all the stimulation and interaction.  He has so much fun there, sometimes I wonder if he really wants me to come pick him up!  Jackson also spends one day a week with his MayMay and Grandy.  The time they spend caring for him is fostering a strong relationship with his grandparents.  We are so fortunate that he is always in a good place throughout the week while we work to provide for him.

I say I am a better mom now that I am at work because I need a sense of self.  As much as I loved staying home with Jackson, I started to feel like I was in a black hole of baby care.  I honestly respect those women who stay at home to raise their kids, because it is a TON of work.  I feel like I treasure the time I have with Jackson even more because I leave him most days of the week.  Also, I always keep in mind that a teacher's schedule is ideal since I get home so early and have so many breaks throughout the school year.  Also, we can't forget summer!  Now, if we consider a second child I may have to consider taking a year off.  It would be tough, but I think I could do it.  As hard as it would be to not teach, the joy of having a sibling for Jackson would be worth the sacrifice.  We'll see.

Monday, January 13, 2014

No News is Good News

That is what I tell the kind people who take care of Jackson so I can work.

I function best knowing that if I have not heard anything, everything is fine.  It works for me.  Of course, I love the little photos of Jackson texted to me sometimes during the day.  Those are always fun to see. :)

I can't believe I have not blogged since before Thanksgiving!  I guess that is a testament to how busy things got after that.  The past six weeks have been very eventful, but all is well.

No news is good news!

In the spirit of blogging so Jackson has something more than his baby book (which, I am desperately trying to keep up with) and photos posted on Facebook, here is a quick recap of the past 6 weeks.

We had a great Thanksgiving at Suki (MayMay) and Randy's (Grandy) lovely home, as usual.  It was the battle of the Traeger v. Green Egg this year.  Both turkeys came out delish, of course!!  Timing was off as always, but that is what keeps the holiday fun.  We have learned over the years that we just need to have the sides ready to go at any time.  It works for us.
Jackson got his first stamp on his passport when we took him to Mexico in December.  I have to admit, I was a little nervous about traveling with him.  He proved my worry to be completely unnecessary.  He was an angel on the plane!  He was so good the flight attendants were saying "Best baby ever!" as we deplaned in San Jose del Cabo.  Guess the treat bags with candy and ear plugs that I placed in the seats around us were not needed.
We stayed in an amazing home off the beaten path (literally, the roads were torn up!) in El Cardonal, Baja.  We were about 1.5 hours north of San Jose del Cabo.  It was super-relaxing and Jackson enjoyed wearing only a onesie most of the time.

I had a brilliant idea for our Christmas card!  Feliz Navidad!
I know what you are thinking.  "Hey!  I didn't get an awesome Christmas card!"  Well, don't feel left out.  No one did.  I did not get around to making them this year.

Here's why.

We got home from Mexico and I started back at work less than 48 hours later.  It was a whirlwind, but I was so glad to be back in my classroom.  I handled being away from Jackson much better than I expected.  I never cried, but I did have a few moments when I really missed him.  MayMay took care of him for the first two days.  Then Papa and Grandma came to town and took care of him for a full week!
 Word on the streets was Papa and Grandma were having a good time, but boy were they tired!  This kid has some energy!!

We went on our annual Christmas tree hunt and Jackson got to ride on mommy through the woods.  Extra special care was taken to not trip on anything and fall.  We came out unscathed!

 Jackson started sitting up in his Bumbo chair and loving his exersaucer.  He has lots of "stations" around the house to keep him busy.  Not only has he grown so much, he is so engaged in everything around him.  He is a super-smiley boy and very interactive now.  So much fun!!

The holidays were upon us.  We had 14 people plus two babies for Christmas.  Even more family came to meet Jackson after Christmas.  It was chaotic, exhausting, and fun.  What a blessing to have so much family around Jackson for his first Christmas.

He did not find Santa very exciting.
No offense Santa, you showed up during nap time.

Auntie BaBa had a party and Jackson got to spend some time with Aunt Vanessa.

Jackson had a very fancy Christmas eve outfit from his distant family in New York.  It was Ralph Lauren and purchased at Nordstroms.  I told him not to get used to such fancy duds.

The family has some pretty fun traditions.  On Christmas eve we pop crackers and all wear paper crowns.  Jackson had his own baby crown!

Santa came to our house for the first time.  Jackson was not super-impressed with his bounty, but he appreciated all the gifts he was given by his Aunts and Uncles.

Jackson had a fun time meeting Cousin Sienna on Christmas day.  She gives open-mouth kisses, but we will let it slide, for now.
Aunt Beth with the baby cousins.

The family has another fun tradition - eating dinner at the Chinese restaurant and wearing ugly Christmas sweaters.  Mommy and Daddy each won first and third place in the contest, respectively.

Baby Christmas sweater.  Winner for cutest baby boy!

At the end of the crazy Christmas week, we celebrated Daddy's birthday with a bowling party at the 300 Club.  Jackson got to spend special time with Grandma and MayMay while everyone bowled. 

After the holiday madness, I spent a week enjoying my time with Jackson.  He is 5 months old now and so much fun.  He loves smiling and he has just started to laugh with some consistency.  It was so nice having an extra week of alone time with him.  It is also so nice to be back at work.  He is really thriving at his official day care with our neighbor behind us.  Jackson spends his days in a nurturing home environment surrounded by a small group of young children and toddlers who love engaging him and playing with him.  He seems to really enjoy being around other people and the new toys and experiences.  He has been napping really well and sleeping through the night, which is super-helpful for mommy.  He also spends Wednesdays at MayMay's house, which gives him some variety in his week and special bonding time with her.  We could not be more pleased and blessed with our day care situation.

Special day care collage put together by his new friend, Andrea.
That's our happy little man.  Here's to 2014, which is sure to be a year full of changes, laughter, and lots of love.

If you don't hear from me for a while, no news is good news.