Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Full Circle

Nearly a year ago, Colin and I decided to move forward with our plan to go to the Michael Franti concert despite the fact our world had been turned upside-down by the premature arrival of Jackson. I had been out of the hospital for only one day after enduring six days of bed rest, an emergency C-section, and four days of recovery, but I was determined to do something "normal". Plus, we always love Franti shows; he brings such positivity and light to our town with his uplifting music. It really is a special show.

Needless to say, it was an emotional night for us. For starters, I was in a lot of pain (having been cut in half to deliver baby Jackson) and had forgot my pain medication at the Ronald McDonald house, which was pretty out of the way on our way to the show. Even worse, it felt so unnatural to know that Jackson was not with me anymore; he was all alone in the NICU and it was very difficult to not feel guilty to be out and about without him.  After all, he should've been at the show in utero. For some reason, it seemed like every pregnant woman and families with a new baby in Bend were at the show. We were surrounded with what we should've had.

We were so glad we went to show despite the difficulties we faced. It was such an uplifting experience to be out with our friends and listen to such wonderful music. Sure, we cried a little and I felt like hell, but we made the very best of it. It was nice to be somewhat "normal" for a few hours after the ordeal we had faced and it gave us some gas to continue to be strong for our little boy.

Last year I highlighted "The Sound of Sunshine" as the song that meant the most to us. It was so positive and uplifting; it really meant a lot to us.

A sweet, teary moment.

This year, we got to take our amazing little miracle with us. It was Jackson's first concert. We wanted to be responsible parents so we ordered him some Baby Banz, the little earphones that protect young ears at loud events. However, our little stinker would not wear them long enough for us to even snap a photo. We settled for his hat with the ear flaps. Warmth and ear protection (?)!

It was an amazing show. We got to hear all of our favorite fun and uplifting Franti songs, but this time we had Jackson with us. All was right in the world. We had come full circle. There we were, celebrating a beautiful summer evening in Bend with our friends and our little family.

This year, the song that meant most to us was "Life Is Better With You". I think the reasoning is pretty obvious, but here is the video in case you are not familiar. Enjoy.

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