Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mommy Paycheck

Contrary to popular belief, full-time mommies get paid.

I know what you are thinking.  Sure they do.  They get to stay home and enjoy their baby while they watch daytime television.  Meanwhile, their spouse (or baby daddy, or however they are paying their bills; who am I to judge?) schlepps their keister to work all day.

Trust me, a full time mommy is working.  She is working hard.  Of course there are times when daytime television is on, but she is not likely watching it unless the baby is napping and at that point she is sacrificing one of the following things: taking a nap herself, showering, eating, getting the laundry changed over and/or folded, washing the dishes, preparing dinner, or doing anything else that will eventually have to get done to maintain a reasonable household and personal sanity.  Therefore, watching the TV is never really a relaxing endeavor anymore.  Until the child is off to preschool or kindergarten, a full-time mommy is a legitimate employee.  The baby is the boss and has high expectations.

So, how do you ask, does a mommy get paid?

I wondered the same thing myself for a while.  Jackson started out as the cutest little blob of a human I have ever seen.  I mean that in the nicest way possible.  You see, newborns, while small and adorable, don't do very much.  I used to take payment in the form of eye contact.  This meant Jackson was awake and every once in a while he would make good eye contact and I would feel that mommy/baby connection.  Usually he was making eye contact because he was hungry, meaning my "payment" was simply a demand from the boss to get to work.

I have decided a mommy's first real "paycheck" is a smile.

Not the sleep smile, gas smile, or tickle smile.  I am talking the legitimate smile in response to a face you are making, song you are singing, or conversation you are having. (Yes, I talk to my baby pretty much all day.  Don't judge, this is scientifically proven to vastly improve your child's literacy skills pre-kindergarten.)  This is the best thing in the world when it first happens, and it does not get old.  When your baby smiles at you, and sometimes even laughs, it is the greatest feeling of all time.  I am working hard here baby, give mama her paycheck!

Now Jackson smiles at other people too.  You would think I would be petty and get jealous.  After all, this is how mommy gets paid.  What did that person do other than hold you and make a funny face?  However, I am proud to say I rise above and feel so proud that my baby is being social and making other people happy with his adorable smile.  How gracious I am.

Of course, the smiles are becoming more frequent and I fear I may not accept them as payment much longer.  Especially if he is going to continue to spread smiley joy whenever anyone else holds him.  So what will my next paycheck be, you ask?


More on that to come.....

Sleepy Smile....

Gas/Unintentional Smile......

 Reaction to stimulus smile.....

The Piedmont Curl (just for fun; not really a smile).....

And here it is!  The mommy paycheck!  You can see the difference; he has made eye contact with me and is reacting to ME!  


1 comment:

  1. So true! That smile is the best thing ever! It could make the coldest and smallest of Grinch hearts melt.
