Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Here Comes the Snot, Do Do Do Do

To the tune of the Beatles classic......

Jackson has green snot.  For most parents, the first indication of illness is a nerve-wracking experience.  For us, it is amplified by the fact Jackson is a preemie.  The sound of snot rattling around in his throat/nose is terrifying.

In the words of George Takei, "Oh Myyy!"

Can he breathe?  Well, he is not blue.

Is he uncomfortable/in pain?  Well, he is still his sweet self.

He does not have a temperature, he is hungry as ever, and he is acting himself.  The nurse says no need to worry.  Saline drops and a nasal aspirator are prescribed.  Certainly something we can handle, right?  Fortunately, his little nose was messed with so much in the NICU he takes minor drowning (aka: saline drops down his throat) and a vacuum stuck in his nose like a champ!

Our primary problem is the internet.  If you Google "green mucus in infants" it is gloom and doom.  It could be a cold, flu, sinus infection, allergies, or even a side effect of reflux.  Nowhere does it say "your baby may just have some snot".  Thanks Google.  I am trying to keep my blood pressure down.

A secondary problem is that when you have a preemie, you are warned about RSV upon discharge from the NICU.  You get a cold, baby gets RSV.  Jackson had lung issues, so the last thing he needs is a viral infection in his lungs.  Worse case scenario, we are back in the hospital.  This is what is in the back of our mind.  Jackson was not premature enough to qualify for an RSV vaccination, so all we can do is hope we don't get colds OR expose him to anyone carrying the rhinovirus.

Ironically, the doctor told us Jackson should not be a "Lysol Baby".  Sure, we need to avoid overexposure.  However, he should not be handled by people who we do not trust to tell us that they have been sick or have someone sick in their home.  He certainly should not be handled by school-age kids, especially with the recent pertussis outbreak in Bend.  So, we are trying to live our lives as we had planned.  Jackson was supposed to join the family and be included in our activities, not keep us quarantined in our home for fear of germs.

Green snot has been our wake up call.  We think we have been taking the proper precautions, but have we done too much too soon?  We have avoided taking him to grocery stores, particularly WalMart (for more information Google "People of WalMart).  He goes to restaurants with us but remains covered in his car seat or held by us.  We have been washing our hands constantly; my hands are so dry you would think I am 90 years old looking at just my skin.  Finally, we have only allowed close friends and family an opportunity to hold Jackson.  Maybe we have done too much, but we can't take it back now.

All we can do it rejoice in the fact he seems to just have some annoying snot.

Note to Google: Just having annoying snot is apparently a possibility.  How about adding some websites for that search that present this as an option?  Thanks for your consideration.

Not my pretty nose sucking face

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