Monday, May 18, 2015


Well, if you haven't heard (or did not figure out Colin's somewhat confusing and cryptic post)....

It's a boy!

I know, I am shocked too. Considering how sick I have been this time around, I was certain a little girl had taken over my body. I actually said, "Are you sure?" when the nurse congratulated me on my second boy. Considering it has been determined by a chromosomal genetic test, it is 100% positive that gummy bear is a boy.

Therefore, it is official: I am outnumbered.

Even our dogs are boys! To be fair, I wanted to get a female Boston when we got Murphy Redd, but she was already taken. I tried.

Despite the fact I was prepared for a new adventure with a little girl, I am actually very excited that I am baking a little brother for Jackson. It will be fun having two boys; brothers who can play and hopefully form a brotherly bond for life.

Several people have said that I seem like a boy's mommy. I am not completely sure what that means, but I take it as a compliment. Maybe it is because I like to play outside and don't mind a little dirt. Perhaps it is due to the fact that I am not a fan of girl drama (even through I deal with it often as a middle school teacher). I think Colin said it best when he pointed out that I am not a "girly girl".

So, here I am. Completely outnumbered. The newest member of the "Mommy to Boys Club". I look forward to frequent trips to the ER, lots of trucks, cars, and legos, and spending an extraordinary about of time playing outside.

Actually, it sounds pretty fun!

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