Saturday, August 6, 2016

This Is Three

One can only assume someone is writing a screenplay about parenting toddlers, right?

Jackson is three!

This is what three looks like:

Someone told me 2.5-3.5 is the hardest section of a human lifeline to parent. I am not sure it is the hardest, but I am positive it is the most tactical. I like to consider this timeline accurate because it would mean I am halfway done.

Don't get me wrong, this is also the most adorable age so far. Mother Nature is a sneaky gal. As Jackson's personality develops he becomes more and more difficult and affable at equal rates. I see what you are doing here, Mother Nature, and I accept your challenge.

One thing that is awesome is that it is so much easier to handle taking care of both of our boys now.


Mostly thanks to Jackson's ability to be somewhat independent, occasionally self-sufficient, and overall, nicer and less aggressive towards his brother.

Jackson had his third birthday party on Wednesday so more of his friends could come play in the bouncy house his Auntie Stacie & Uncle Eric so generously rented for his birthday. We had a wonderful time at Wildflower Park in our neighborhood.

Maybe a bouncy house at three is too much, too soon. In my opinion, the chaos in the bouncy house and wild rides down the bouncy slide are completely appropriate considering life often feels chaotic and wild right now.

Today, August 6th, 2016 it is official. Jackson is three.

Here we go.