Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dear 13 Month Old Jackson,

I thought we would've had this figured out by now.


It is really quite simple. When I lay you in your crib after your soothing bottle of warm milk (you are pushing boundaries with that one, by the way), I don't want to see you for at least 10 hours. Don't get me wrong, I miss you very much. However, Mommy and Daddy need sleep. Consequently, so do you.

Trust me, I think about you all night. In fact, I wake up a few times almost every night thinking I hear you, but when I look on the monitor you are sound asleep. Seriously, you have spent so much time screaming in the middle of the night your voice has invaded my sleep.

Here's the deal, after soliciting advice from fellow mommies and daddies, we have made a tough decision. From the hours of approximately 8 p.m. - 5 a.m. you are on your own. Mommy will no longer make an appearance when you scream in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. It's not that we don't love you very much. It is quite the opposite. We love you so much we have to let you learn how to self-soothe so you can get the rest you so desperately need.

Just to be clear, here are some photos to illustrate our expectations:



Creepy, but you are quietly trying to fall asleep, so okay.

Not so comfortable, but you are asleep so, okay.


Okay, here you are clearly denying a nap. So, no!

Get it?

While we are on the subject of making requests, we should also talk about your attitude in the evening. I understand you have had a long day of playing, babbling, learning to walk, eating, and overall babying, but do you really have to be such a pill about getting ready for bed? Personally, if someone drew me a warm lavender water bath followed by a Cetaphil massage, I would consider it a spa experience. I am not sure why you must scream while we put on your jammies, but it feels a little ungrateful. Just saying.

On a positive note, you are super-cute and an overall amazing little person. Your smile lights up a room and your laughter literally melts hearts. You are such a little ham in public and people seem to fall in love with you instantly. Mommy and Daddy are absolutely smitten with you even when you are being a little toot. I know I should not tell you this, but you really can do no wrong. Our love for you trumps any bad behavior you can throw our way. Still, try and keep it down when it is sleepytime.

Thanks buddy!


P.S. I understand you will point out the irony regarding the sleep request in this when I write your "Dear 13 Year Old Jackson," letter.