Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summer, summer, summertime......

time to sit back and unwind.

Here it is the groove slightly transformed.
Just a bit of a break from the norm.

Okay, enough of that.

No more excuses for not keeping up with my blog. It is summertime! Time to start documenting life for Jackson. I have decided to include more than just my sappy obsession with Jackson, which has become surprisingly more intense, and talk about life in general. For example, teaching is such an entertaining profession. I have to wonder why I have not talked much about it. Oh wait, I did not find the time to blog while I was teaching. My non-existent spare time was spent trying to keep all the balls I was juggling in the air. Notice the radio silence after March? The fact track season had started is not a coincidence.

There have been multiple entertaining experiences and milestones met in the past couple of months, but it was such a blur I can't recall it all. Looking back at photos posted on Facebook helps, but fortunately I found an even better way to remember what was going on in my busy, exhausted brain during this apparent black hole of time.

Incomplete and/or unpublished blog posts.

You see, I had good intentions. Unfortunately, I never found the time to go back and edit these posts so I could publish them. That's right, raw entries.

Here is a brief synopsis of what was going through my head for the past few months:

Blog Title

"A New Kind of Empathy"
There have been a number of young people I know who have battled/are battling cancer, all parents. This was a serious post that I held on to for a few reasons. The gist: I have a new kind of empathy for someone who is facing the idea of not being around to raise their child/children. Heart wrenching thoughts were going through my head. Not a fun one. I will continue to hang on to this. 

"The Big Question"
This is the entry where I address the "Big Question: Are we going to get Jackson baptized?" There is an explicit content warning because I (gasp) address my personal beliefs about organized religion and spirituality. Actually, this is a pretty good post, perhaps I will circle back and complete it.....

"Your All Grown Up Kid"
Jackson started rapidly meeting many milestones over the past few months. I intended to document these joyful experiences..

"Dear Parent/Guardian,"
Clearly, I needed to talk a little about school.  The end of the year rocket project is an all-consuming, months long process.  Fortunately, I am only responsible for rockets + track every other year. There were some amusing stories from both rockets and track, along with some frustrating stories. Considering I was running on very little sleep at that time, I would not anticipate my recollection of those incidents beyond what was already written.

"Confessions of a Middle School Track Coach"
Spawned from a string of ridiculous incidents, this would have been a good one, but perhaps could have come across a little harsh considering my exasperation at the time. I am confident the term "time suck" would have been used an extraordinary number of times.

"That Was My Favorite Age"
This was a recent post addressing the fact that many people have told me that 10 months was their favorite age when raising their kid. There are so many other fun ages to look forward to, but I wanted to take a moment to stop and remember just how much fun Jackson was at that point in time.  He is still super-fun, so I will likely still share this information.

"Sorry Doc, we choked."
Apparently, I should have been more aggressive and Jackson should've been eating steak by 10 months. This blog was dedicated to the complete lack of warning and nonchalance that people display as they act like they know exactly what I am talking about when I share that solid food causes Jackson to choke. Right, choke. Really, no warning?

Anyway, it is summer. The time of the year I look forward to the most. As much as I miss teaching, I love a little freedom. Time to kick back and unwind. 
